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sharing my first and probably my last time in a escape room…


ALWAYS READ FINE PRINT!! And do not go to this place if you wish to get hurt😃😃🙏 why?

the lighting was pitch black with only one siren flickering red light at the top of the room. the walls were padded to at most my waist line.. which is only 1 meter at least. corners sadly to say was not padded and it was sharp.

i had scratches and friction burn on my knuckles along with multiple bruises on my head.

Anyways lets get moving with the full story here!!

how it started :

4 months ago, after me and my friends first practical exam had ended we decided to spent a day trip in jb to relax as we had a one week study break.

the day actually went by so good, we had amazing brunch, and went to gokarting at sutera super fun!!

but after go kart we had too much time to spare too so we decided to look up escape room and found a few different options, but when we went to check there was no available slots to play, so we continue looking for other outlets and we found this escape room.

eye catching studio, but goggle rating was really suspicious, take a look and read the rating esp the 1-2 stars!! the replys from the owner was literally copy and paste….

anyways we went in reading the 5 stars thinking it was gonna be fun and exciting. however being my first time i had a gut feeling that its gonna turn bad but i didnt want to be a party pooper, so i swallowed my gut feeling and just went with it.

counter staff brief us with the details:

🚩 ( red flag errors )

- npc runners ( forces you to run, if u dont comply u will be kicked out of the game )

- sign liability form ( small tiny words that indicates : if u are injured, company is not responsible for any damages or injuries )

- no refunds even if u leave the game 10mins in..

attractive prices i think we were given student discount, went in as a group of 5 for only 48rm/ per person, it sounded like a good deal as theres a close to 20rm discount…

so we proceeded with it, kept out bags in the locker thats provided, they didnt allow watches, phone, necklace and even bracelets.

after a full body check they lined us up and make us wear blindfold. and started briefing us on the storyline, we picked the most easiest one, however the game play was in full chinese mode, we did told them we want an english speaking game master, and they agreed and understood and we had 1 malay in our group. its understandably he clearly cannot understand chinese LOL. we were also given one walkie talkie, this is to allow us communicate with the game master and if needed to stop the game or ask for clues.

so after putting on the blindfold, and stand in a line, we held onto the person before us and we were brought in the room, we made a few turns around the place and we were then separated and guided to a stationary corner in the room, and so the game.. BEGINS!

we took out our blindfolds and was greeted with darkness and only one red light. ( those that was used for police siren u know… ) anyways yes we were like looking for clues on how to open the door, and there was suddenly loud noises and banging which really was scary and the vibes was there!!

and then one of the npc staff came in and we were all ( sadly to say ) scared asf… and was told to leave the room and follow her, there was barking noise and crying noise that was asking for someone’s daughter😭😭🙏

next 🚩 ( red flag errors )

- the space to manoeuvre was utter trash.

- u cant even fit close to 2 ppl standing side by side

and to make it worst

- it was absolutely pitched black

- with a siren red light flickering at the top…

and then here comes my horror story:

suddenly there was a siren wailing and out of no where the npc runner started chasing us, and we all stumbled and tried to run away and thats when we realised we f**ed up, my friend was holding onto my hand as we ran. and since it was so pitched black we couldnt even see where we were running to and i banged into my first wall. i couldnt even registered what actually happen before we were running and making a sharp turn in the corner and thats when my face knocked against the corner of a wall, and the impact was so huge, my head flung to the side and i banged another wall for the 3RD TIME😃😃. and then we entered the room we were back in. i blacked out for 3 seconds and when i came to, the npc runners caught up to us in the room and i felt a liquid flowing down from my forehead. i was dizzy and slightly out of breathe and i started crying 🥲🥲, the npc was in the room shouting and screaming for us to get out and i was crying and wailing. so u can understand how bad the situation was. anyways the npc was dragging me out of the room along with my friend and i was still unable to regain to my surroundings so i started shouting that i was bleeding and swearing to the walkie talkie that i was bleeding and injured, when my friend realised something was wrong everyone stopped talking and within seconds the light was turned on and my friends were taken aback, blood was running down my eyes and trickling down to my clothes… u can imagine the shock everyone was in and i was immediately brought out from the exit, by that time i was so out of breathe and crying and trying to understand what just really happened💀💀. the head concussion was like not it. 😃😃🙏

anyways they washed my wounds with water and the bleeding wouldnt stop it just kept oozing out… but theres nothing to do and they even had the audacity to jokingly say infront of our face that “yours is not that bad, we had worst, the person fractured their nose and had to be sent to the hospital” uhhh….?????????? huh??????

i was so dumbfounded..

and then they asked if we wanted to continue with the game play and was like persuading us. i told my friends to go forward with the game i will just sit out. theres no way in order to spare that 48rm i risk my life for a game thats not even safe.. and so they went on with the game except they removed the running part.

to tell you, i left the game not even 5mins into it.. it was INSANE. there was a group of friends that just came in to the studio and saw my wound was like “omg what happened..” and they just kept staring at me as they were brief and then they were brought up to start the game. guess what? 10mins in and the girl came down with her shins scraped and bleeding 💀💀. i was like oh gosh… but she was stronger than me and she went on with the game😃😃.

i was too traumatised after this and it was cause its so close to my eyes, if it wasnt for my eyebrows… i could have gone blind that instance…

anyways while my friends were playing i asked the front desk if they could do a refund as i only played for 5mins and she pulled out the details and said under the fine print they are not responsible for injuries occured from the game..? what even. i was in so much pain i just like okay whatever..

after my friends game time ended we left the place immediately and they were ranting about how bad it was, and that they were also slamming into the wall but not as bad as mine.. ( im pretty sure a piece of my DNA meat is stuck on the wall ) HAHAHAHHA


Rating /5 : 0.

i would definitely not recommend this to anyone…

#horrorstory #jbtrip #escaperoom #RealTalk