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How i make progress in overcoming anxiety

How i make progress in overcoming anxiety

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Super long read!!

Reflecting back on my 2023, i was reminded how my only sole objective at the time was "overcome" "survive another day", though i know i still struggle with anxiety, id say i have made progress since then, where im now able to start wanting and aspiring in life, to build myself back up from my original life goals i wanted for myself back then. As i personally do know of people going through similar situations as me and knowing how debilitating and awful these experiences can be, thus would like to share ways that might help you in any way possible. I'll be sharing my experience first, if you just want to know the ways to overcome, can skip to the bottom after the >>>>>


Growing up in a dysfunctional family, I knew i battle with anxiety on and off through the seasons as a kid, i've had been to several counsellors on and off, but it wasn't until 2023 where all tension built up and accumulated to that point and eventually was diagnosed with anxiety and mild depression.

How did i get diagnosed?

As mentioned the anxiety i mostly felt growing up was panic and mental turmoil, but it didn't have any debilitating effects on my physical wellbeing and health. However in 2023, I suffered from various symptoms initially starting with night terrors, where i physically get shocked awake at 5am alot (like this 😳 and would sit up immediately) (or get shocked awake crying). i was also not being able to eat for consecutive days due to a lump sensation down my throat (globus) (i got a nasoscopy to get it checked too as it was that bad).

Eventually down the line i'd have more frequent anxiety attacks and in my day to day experience, uncontrollable body & hand tremors and constant state of feeling suffocated breathing (my default breathing was just short breaths during that period of time). I myself didn't notice these body tremors though, until a colleague of mine who worked closely with me daily noticed them and brought it up. I also was experiencing irrational fear up to the point I'd jump at the sound of footsteps / keys jingling, constantly on high alert and hyper awareness of my surroundings, people, and sounds, freezing on the spot. (i was basically the cowardly dog). The anxiety attacks I experience included mainly heart palpitations, increased hr, throbbing headaches (feeling of head tension and throbbing from behind my neck), hyperventilation, chest tightness (sometimes painful). I still didn't go see a doctor up until one day during a more severe attack i blacked out on a bench outside my university classroom. It was then i decided to see the doctor the next day.

I was told that it was an accumulation of stress and tension over the years that i've been tolerating and suppressing, which manifested into forms of physical symptoms. I was also transiting between environments that was giving me anxiety: work, school and home, so i was constantly on high tension as there wasn't any room or safe space to breathe and rest. and thus those accumulated tension resulted in forms of body tremors, occasional panic attacks and depressive episodes. As i was still studying and working at the time and had to carry on with those daily activities as i legit couldnt write properly due to the hand tremors, and the attacks happen so frequent at work and school, so i was prescribed with beta blockers to reduce my tremors and anti depressants for mild depression (more on this later).

How did i cope afterwards?

I think this was a disaster personally. I didnt know how to deal with my anxiety and the pain i was in everyday. I knew that the catalyst triggering it all that year was from a relationship i kept holding onto which when ended, unraveled all of my internal unresolved childhood trauma within myself that i was already battling inside over the years. I've always longed to feel that familial warmth and connection, and that relationship provided that for me, it was the first time i truly opened myself up to someone vulnerably, thus when it ended, the familial attachment i had that was suddenly removed caused a huge gap in me, i grieved as though i lost a loved one and as i reflected more on the rs, i became even more aware of the stress i brought to that person, i blamed myself alot and was in constant self condemnation, guilt, bitterness and unworthiness. after a year, im now at a place where i can reflect back on the fond memories, im immensely thankful for the warmth, connection and strength the relationship gave me at the time and although i do still feel regret and remorse for how i couldve handled things better, i no longer hold myself to that condemnation. however at that time i couldnt see otherwise, and my home environment and situation only triggered it even further. without diving into details, i just rmb how i would often stand and gobble up my dinner in the kitchen in fear (sometimes just skip in order to avoid interactions) and loiter outdoors regardless of how late it was till i felt it was safe to return and would find ways to escape outside day to day. all these was out of my own irrational fear that im aware of that. which made me even more frustrated that i was like this. id often cry out of frustration and begging my hands to just stop shaking. notifications from my phone would make my chest tighten i even thought to buy a completely new phone lol. voices, people, sounds would also trigger me and make me freeze. my decision making was also affected as i struggle with even buying a simple coffee, i feel so small and undeserving and accepted everything that happened to me, i felt like i had no say and couldnt stand firm. everyday was exhausting to say the least, from all the running and escaping from things, the mental drain, anxiety and crying. at the time i also took it upon myself to furiously change myself as i believed i was unworthy, i wanted to prove i cld be better and did all i could, but as i was holding onto a bad minset, i in turn only crashed and break down on the day i was triggered with an incident. I rmb wailing all the way back home and just walking and walking aimlessly without caring that it was late and dangerous. I kept wishing for my heart and mind to be taken away so badly as it was so painful as my chest and head was also aching alot. As my colleague once described me during that time, i was like a zombie soul less with a blank look on my face. People i met up with would tell me how ghastly and sullen i look, even strangers would say they see tension in my eyes and once an elderly stopped me while walking just to tell me to eat more. I was aware of who i was becoming and i was angry but felt so helpless.

Mild depression?

When the doctor wanted to prescribe anti-depressants, i was certain that i don't have depression as i had experienced it before back then with suicidal thoughts and all which i got better over the years, but this time as my anxiety was more prominent, i was certain it was just that. but thinking back, all the times i cried every other day morning and night for 9 months straight, the unwillingness to do anything even the simplest thing, i felt heavy and reluctant in everything, just wanted to sleep and sleep, it was physically hard it was to get myself out of bed and i'd cry randomly for unknown reasons. i isolated myself heavily (though i did wish someone was thr despite knowing id be reluctant). thinking back on all these, i guess the doctor was right. Taking those prescriptions only helped temporarily though, forcibly reduced my tremors for a short while, then comes the side effects which i rlly hated alot. i decided to cut them and focused on healing properly without medication. of course the withdrawal symptoms that comes with it included insomnia, restlessness, dry patches and what not. but i believe i was better without those prescriptions as it was only temporal. Now onto what i did to heal properly >>>>>>>>


The first thing i instinctively did was to shut down, i knew the people and situations that was triggering me those anxiety, and so i minimise interactions with those areas as much as i cld. though it was exhausting having to avoid and get away all the time and i know i was just running and escaping which in turn triggers my anxiety as i have to be on high alert sometimes, but the idea of experiencing that anxiety being in the situation seemed x10 worse than having to feel exhausted to me. (those who experienced the intensity of anxiety attacks would probably know, it rlly feels like death). I also knew i had to change my environment one way or another, as im not financially capable of moving out, i decided to change another aspect, which was to resign from my job. not diving too much into it, it was a good 3 years nonetheless. It was truly one of my best decisions last year as i felt alittle lighter and had more room and time for myself to work on other areas of life. I made sure to have my funds settled before resigning, to sustain me the remaining few months of the year before resuming the search for work again. And it opened up opportunities in projects and skills that i personally have been wanting to develop. Lastly if i hadn't resigned, i wouldnt have experienced all that i have the last few months of my 2023, which was a blast and what i really needed. i really did and experienced more than i had expected. And now in 2024 im motivated and determined to work again, this time with the freedom to work on what i'm interested in.


Be it God or the universe, have faith in something other than yourself. When you hold everything onto yourself too much, you're bound to condemnation, pressure and resentment when things happen, which leads to anxiety and depression. Personally, the pivotal factor that really removed my hand tremors was my faith. Though i was a Christian all my life, over the years i drifted from christ, and only 2023 was drawn back in, singing worship, attending church, talking to the people at church, really healed me emotionally and having that faith and hope again brought back my genuine smile, though i still relapse again and again, but the progress was slow and steady.


I am personally still looking for one myself, but i rmb after resigning, i went signing up for local events such as the mid-autumn festival and it was truly such a healing therapeutic moment for me. the new experiences i made through these events, seeing the elderlies and local community enjoying themselves makes me forget my own sadness for awhile. And with my support system being my best friend, i would often tag along in her adventures in her very active life, i experience new things, taste good food and she also once companied me to class in uni. which i really appreciate.


Now i know damn well those of you would be the most reluctant on this. i know i was to. i really really didnt want to meet anyone new, especially when i was actively isolating myself everyday and feeling the social anxiety amongst crowd and areas with lots of people and noise at the time. But whether is it meeting someone new, reconnecting with an old friend, or mixing around in friend groups, you'll begin to realise that there's alot more to life, that you can receive that love again and give out that love too. and whether or not you reconnect or restore broken relationships in your past, you know that if it aligns in future, it will be.


Last but not least, the most important, giving time for yourself. I personally journal ALOT after my breakthrough in August. As i start to heal slowly i wrote alot alot more. Every page was filled, there were also many pages of anger and sadness, but also pages of hope and faith. It helps you regulate your emotions and thoughts better as you freely write the pages of a journal. Another thing i did was go on solo trips to places you've been wanting to explore. I went to many many cafes (rip my bank), treated myself and indulge in food that makes me happy, i also went on a trip to cameron highlands and it was really something i needed after 5 years of not traveling.

I have been hard on myself, and 2023 although painful, was the year i really let loose. As much as im somewhat dealing with the consequences of uncertainty and instability of the future, i still did not regret any of my decisions as it truly helped in my healing process to the state i am now. Though things are still tough, but with the replenishment and time that i needed, i have better strength and resilience now to face 2024. To all those struggling right now, know that it will come to pass, hold on to that hope, and things will turn for the better. I hope that my experiences would help you in your own healing journey to overcoming anxiety or depression :)

#AskLemon8 #MyLemon8Diary #pov #anxiety #anxietyawareness #depression #adulting #AdultingWoes #lifeadvice #mentalhealth