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Asked for a raise, got a resignation letteršŸ„²

Asked for a raise, got a resignation letteršŸ„²

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Asked for a raise, got a resignation letteršŸ„² JPEG Download

Hi guys! Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve been on here but was just reflecting on something whilst in Bali and wanted to see what everyoneā€™s thoughts are & if something like this happened to you.

I am 100% sure the first thing people will think after reading my title would be ā€œitā€™s probably because you sucked/didnā€™t hit your targets/relationship issuesā€ when really, I over performed and I wanted to achieve more, but also get remunerated fairly.


A couple of years ago, I was working for a local company in SG focusing on only influencer marketing. I got laid off from my overseas job, it was Covid and I saw myself being in SG again for a long period of time, and this opportunity came at a good time. During my previous reviews and looking at what I did, I objectively did a good job and in fact performed over to what the job wanted me to do. A year being in it, I decided to ask for a raise (which I think is fair?).

šŸ“How I asked for a raise:

I have a couple of older friends who have given me career advice in the past and I got insight on what was the best way possible to show my efforts and also ask for a fair raise - and by fair I meant SGD500 more a month. They advised that I should set up a meeting with my CEO and prepare an email of all of my contributions in the past year to basically point and explain why I am worthy of the raise. So thatā€™s exactly what I did.

šŸ“Before the talk:

Prior to the meeting I had set up, my CEO asked what my goals were within the company, what I hoped to achieve and where I saw myself in 5-10 years. I answered them saying I would love to learn more, I feel a bit stagnant right now and I would like to take a SEA role eventually as I knew the company had long terms goals to expand. I took these questions as a good sign to be promotedā€¦.. but thenā€¦. The opposite happenedā€¦.

šŸ“The talk:

One thing I picked up that made me feel uneasy was that:

1. My CEO moved the meeting to the end of the day

2. HR was now invited!?

I was so confused but I remained positive. I sat down and immediately my boss was thanking me for what Iā€™ve done in the team and I was thinking ā€œwhy does this feel like a goodbye?ā€ As Iā€™m feeling lost af, she finally says ā€œwe canā€™t give you want you want and I think you need to be elsewhere to grow.ā€ She proceeds to hand me the resignation letter and I was like hold up WHAT? And I asked if I could extend it until I found a job even though it still gave me a month to work. She said no because then my efficiency would be low and tbh, thinking back itā€™d just be so awkward working for another few months knowing that you need to leave. Additionally, she urged that I was still young and that it would be great for me to work for a larger company to gain more experience and this wasnā€™t the place.

šŸ“How I reacted:

So there were two ways I couldā€™ve reacted:

1. I throw a tantrum and yell THIS ISNT LEGAL and potentially ruin future relationships (SG is small af)

2. Accept that I need to be in a place that can groom me & leave gracefully

So I took option 1ā€¦

Ok JK I took option 2 because honestly, option 1 would not benefit me in any way. I was almost in tears, but I smiled, thanked her for the past year and agreed to sign the resignation letter. She allowed me to finish up all my leave and also share how I wanted to the colleagues that Iā€™ll be leaving. (Which honestly hurt because I was extremely close to them).

I didnā€™t let anyone see my true feelings but as soon as I left the office and headed to a dinner date with my BF of the time, I started bawling my eyes out thinking why did this just happen? What if I donā€™t find a job?! Oh man, Iā€™m going to miss my colleaguesā€¦. But mainly - is something so wrong with me?

šŸ“What happened next:

I told my colleagues that Iā€™d be leaving on my own accord because I think explaining would just open a can of worms and I just wanted to leave this as clean & easy as possible, making the least amount of noise. Coincidentally, the manager I was reporting to was also leaving and she was one of the main people that made work super enjoyable.

I felt like absolute shit for the next week because I was then going on holiday for two weeks knowing Iā€™d be jobless soon. I didnā€™t even give myself the break and I was interviewing as much as I could because Iā€™m the kind of person who canā€™t do nothing haha. I was upset, confused, questioning my worth and all my BF could say was ā€œitā€™s okay, I promise itā€™ll all work out and this is a good thing.ā€ I thought what BS heā€™s just saying this to make me feel better so I donā€™t ruin his holiday with my tears of anxiety HAHA.

šŸ“Ok, he was right:

Literally on that holiday, I got a LinkedIn message asking me to interview for a role with a huge corporate. I did it because why not and two weeks later, I landed the job with amazing benefits and a pay that was completely above what I was asking for. The job was something Ive never done before and right now, Iā€™m constantly learning something new everyday while feeling like I am remunerated fairly for my work. Itā€™s been 1.5 years into my current role and I am SO happy that I got that resignation letter because I was so focused on my previous job - I was comfortable there. I honestly think part of it was pure luck with the timing because it gave me a full month to rest/travel before starting my new role. To whatever angel is up there looking out for, THANK YOU šŸ˜‡ Unfortunately, the relationship with that BF ended but oh well, onto better things right? šŸ˜†

šŸ“My takeaways for people going through something similar:

I am a believer that things happen for a reason - that when one door shuts, another one opens. Okay sometimes that may not be realistic but I think one thing Iā€™d like anyone to take away is to be somewhere that sees you, wants to grow you, and will remunerate you FAIRLY. Iā€™ve seen situations where people overworked but getting paid like SGD2.5k to people having fantastic salaries but youā€™re just going to be stuck doing the same thing, with the same role for 4 years. If you EVER, get handed a resignation letter, I also urge you to swallow your pride, and leave on a positive, graceful note. Thereā€™s really no point acting out and burning bridges. Itā€™s also good to reflect on what happened with your friends, family or career coach to get perspective on why this has happened. I recently found out from a now CEO that in the past, he was ā€œmanaged outā€ and it wasnā€™t the end of the world - I mean heā€™s a freaking CEO now with a metal credit card. If upset, know that that ONE job doesnā€™t define you and there could be so many other potential matches of a job. Itā€™s kind of like a relationship ya know? Itā€™s like when you break up, youā€™re all butt hurt and your self esteem is at an all time low. But then when you find someone else, youā€™re like yeah actually that person wasnā€™t that great and Iā€™m happy Iā€™m with this new person now HAHA.

Anywhos, feel free to leave any comments on this below or share a story of something similar!! ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø

#Adulting101 #MyPOV #CareerJourney