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TeeHee Dental Review šŸ¦·šŸ˜¬šŸŖ„

TeeHee Dental Review šŸ¦·šŸ˜¬šŸŖ„

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TeeHee Dental Review šŸ¦·šŸ˜¬šŸŖ„ JPEG Herunterladen

Last year, I finally plucked up my courage to pluck out my wisdom teeth (lolol geddit?)

My hunt for a good dentist went on for a while and Iā€™m so glad that I found my current dentist - TeeHee Dental. If youā€™re damn afraid of going to the dentist, THEY ARE YOUR GO-TO PEOPLE.

The backstory (tldr: dental clinic cannot even do fillings - you can skip to the bottom for the review)

I used to go to this clinic in Marina Square because I got my braces done there. I got a pretty good deal because this was their new branch and there was an opening promo. (This was 2015 - 16 ish so the prices arenā€™t so relevant anymore)

I was with them for quite a few years even after I got my braces off. After all, my dental records already accumulated for quite a bit by then. No point switching rightā€¦ I used to book my dentist for follow ups as much as I could and if he wasnā€™t available, Iā€™d book whichever dentist was available for my general check ups.

Eventually I could no longer book ANY dentists for my appointments. Fine by me. I assumed that their dentists had to travel to their different branches. (Their main branchā€™s in the west. I went there ONCE to collect my retainers, thank goodness for Father Express for driving me there. It was a long drive even by car)

I could only book their Oral Health Therapists, which I thought was okay so long as they get the job done at least for the general stuff like cleaning and polishing. The sessions werenā€™t cheap thoughā€¦ I was really only there because my records were there.

During my very last appointment, I was told by my Therapist that I had a tiny decay on one of my molars. I asked if I could get it filled and the reply was ā€œOh we donā€™t do fillings here.ā€

Initially, I thought that she meant that she couldnā€™t do it for me MAYBE because sheā€™s a OHT and not a dentist (????? Idk??? Anyone from the dental industry that can shed some light?) so I asked if I could book an appt with a dentist, but she went ā€œWe canā€™t do fillings in this branch, if you want youā€™ll have to go to another branch.ā€

????????? I was obviously not gonna drag myself to the west T.T The whole point of going for regular check ups in 1 place was so that I could get stuff like that fixed right?! At that point I really just told myself that itā€™s time to say goodbye la lolol forget about the dental records. I should go somewhere else that makes me feel at ease!

I went to a different clinic closer to my place to fix the decay. The dentist there couldnā€™t find the decay at first, but I insisted and insisted and he finally spotted it. He actually told me that it was so tiny + it was closer to the sides so it wasnā€™t exactly very visible. Im not sure how true that was, I didnt really care tbh. I just wanted the issue fixed. That place was a rather typical clinic, but him not being able to find the decay worried me a bit. Soā€¦. I just kept looking! I tried going to some /famous/ chains too butā€¦ meh. Some felt too commercial and I felt like the dentists arent that "permanent" if that makes sense?

When it comes to looking for a dentist, COMFORT is truly key. You want someone who gets your oral cavity LOL. We're at our most vulnerable states while going for dental appts or going for surgical procedures after all. There's not much we can do except to trust our physicians fully right.


For my regular check up last year, I decided to give TeeHee Dental Works a shot. They were in 313 Somerset a long time ago. I visited just once before in the past. The clinic was much smaller then, and it was clean, futuristic, and overall just a mini version of their current clinic. The experience was not too bad so I thought I should give them another shot.

That shot turned into many shots because ya gurl here was told by the dentist that

1. Her gums were in great condition

2. Her teeth were in great condition, save for a tiny tiny crack on a molar on the bottom right andā€¦

3. She should consider getting rid of her remaining 3 wisdom teeth

Iā€™m deathly afraid of wisdom teeth extraction because MY FIRST EXPERIENCE WAS IN THE DENTAL CLINIC IN NUS UHC

The second back story (tldr: just traumatic, but read on if youā€™re into that? Haha)

Traumatising as heck leh 999999/10 would NOT recommend.

I went there only because I was living on campus in NUS and it was an emergency. One of my wisdom tooth was hurting quite badly + it grew sideways, so I was basically bestowed an eternal giant ulcer on the right side of my cheek.

The dentist that day

1) did not wait for the anaesthetic to fully set in before attempting to pull. My head moved along obviously. I was totally mentally not ready!!!

2) I yelped because I could feel pain and he had very little empathy at that moment. He literally nonchalantly went ā€œOh, you still can feel ah?" Did it not occur to him to CHECK THOROUGHLY first?! T.T

3) His sterilised tools were still damn hot. Gosh he must have had steel hands because it scaled my lips but he could still hold it like it was nothing. I yelped a second time hahahahaha. He wasnā€™t pulling yet but because I yelped, he asked me ā€œWhy ah what happened, I havenā€™t pull lehā€ sobbles

4) when he finally started pulling, my head was moving along a lot. Wisdom teeth roots are damn deep la so thatā€™s normal. But he was alone so he had no assistants to hold onto my head.

5) After the entire ordeal, I was given gauze to bite on, told to go on a soft diet, and was sent on my jolly (and bloody) way. The next day my friends were like eh, they never give you a syringe to help irrigate the wound ah? And I was like HUH what syringe????


SO. BECAUSE I was traumatised by UHC previously, I never really bothered getting rid of my other 3 wisdom teeth UNTIL Dr Crystal Lok at TeeHee suggested it. And for a few good reasons!

(Wa this post has more lists than I had planned for)

1) our bones harden significantly when we reach 30, so if you wanna get your wisdom teeth out with much lesser trouble and force, do it BEFORE YOU TURN 30. It was March when I went for my appt. I would be turning 31 in July. LOLOL fkkk. Dr Crystal was like "if you wanna get it done you better hurry"

2) the 2 bottom wisdom teeth were impacted and were causing a lot of recurring inflammation in the surrounding gums. My gums were doing okay but if the inflammation were to go on for a longer period of time, my gums might really start to suffer.

3) Wisdom teeth are hard to clean. I often get food stuck at the back.

NOW Iā€™m the sort of person that does a ton of research before doing anything serious. I learnt why modern humans had wisdom teeth. I learnt that Dr Crystal Lok was my close friendā€™s JC school mate LOLOL. (But I never mentioned during any of my appt la hahahahaha dont judge me ok dont tell me you dont stalk your healthcare professionals on google to double check if they rly rly rly know their stuff?!) I also learnt that she had a TON of wonderful reviews, of her professionalism and ability to keep patients calm and at ease.

GOSH I cannot even emphasise on how glad I found her because I am sticking to her as my regular dentist 4va. Seriously.

She told me that I donā€™t even need to fix the crack yet because itā€™s so tiny. Fixing it might force the crack to open further.

She assured me that Iā€™ll be extremely well taken care of. My extraction was scheduled for 2 weeks later.

I think Iā€™ve seen quite a lot of good reviews on TeeHee on Lemon8. The round thing you see in my photo is a wireless charger. There were also electrical power points too if Im not wrong.

My bf accompanied me to my wisdom teeth extraction appointment. He was the other MVP, he kept telling me that heā€™s right outside waiting for me, and if Iā€™m scared just remember that heā€™s just on the other side of the wall, and once Iā€™m done heā€™ll be the first person I see šŸ„ŗ My bf did his work at the waiting area while waiting for me.

ALSO booking and payment are done entirely online. You literally walk in and out of the clinic only having to worry about whatever procedure youā€™re gonna do. Which really wasnā€™t even much to worry about because the clinicā€™s swankiness / tech savviness / introvert-friendliness aside, their ability to put patients at ease was truly top notch.

I was given ample mental preps, and before every single step, Dr Crystal took the effort to explain to me what was gonna happen.

She was totally in control of the procedure and constantly checking with me on my pain levels. (I was told to sign from 1-5 with my left hand I think. That was so that she could see clearly from where she was standing) My pain tolerance is usually quite high but this time round I had to get a lot of booster anaesthetic shots. She checked so many times to make sure that I really could feel nothing.

Her assistant held my head for the more violent pulls. Tbh those werent exactly violent. Wisdom teeth roots go quite deep, so they do need quite a bit of force during extraction.

I was given a mask to cover my eyes from all the blood and movement. For the more ā€œtraumaticā€ stuff, her assistant tapped on my shoulder and I was told to focus on the taps. Itā€™s primitive method but for some weird reason it worked wonders lol.

My bottom right molar was a bit more of a complex case because based on my x-rays, the roots were intersecting a nerve in my jaw. Since x-rays are 2D, there wasnā€™t really a way to tell if the nerve was close to the roots or even touching the roots. This particular nerve controls the some of the sensations in my jaw, chin, and lips, so it was crucial to not damage that nerve.

Dr Crystal told me that sheā€™ll saw off the top of that wisdom tooth before deciding what to do. If the nerve was touching my tooth, sheā€™ll not extract the full tooth and just sew my gums back up to let it heal.

In such cases, thereā€™s risk of the remaining fragment getting infected, but IF it happens, weā€™ll decide what the next best step when we get there depending on the severity of the infection.

In the end, the nerve wasnā€™t touching the root so we got the whole tooth out :ā€™)

Dr Crystal worked on the complex tooth first, followed by the bottom wisdom tooth on the other side. The last tooth she worked on was the one on the top left, and by the time she reached that tooth she was all like ā€œokay, weā€™re just left with the easy one now and itā€™ll all be over really really soon!ā€ It took just 15 mins to get that last one out :ā€™) and then it was all over!!!!!!!!!

I was sent home with some gauze and a syringe that had a long metal tip. I was told to bend the tip at 45 deg when I get home so that I can easily angle the syringe into the empty socket. The syringe is damn impt SO GUYS PLS ASK FOR ONE IF YOUR DENTIST NEVER GIVE YOU ONE. It was also damn satisfying to flush food that was trapped in the empty socket hahahaha v gross i know.

I think people are usually prescribed pain killers but ya gurl here is allergic to most pain killers and can only take paracetamol in small doses so I had none prescribed hahahaha.

Oh I was also given antibiotics, and in case you didnā€™t know (I sincerely hope you do tho), PSA!!!!!!!!! ALL PRESCRIBED ANTIBIOTIC COURSES MUST BE FINISHED. Boomers like to keep unfinished antibiotics thinking that it will help in future but PLS this will just wreck your immune system. Either you take NONE or take ALL ok. It took me v long to convince my parents to stop this nonsense.

Lastly, I was given an appointment in 2 weeks to get the stitches checked. Everything was on-track and healed really well. :ā€™) :ā€™) :ā€™) And that concludes my wisdom teeth extraction journey! I canā€™t remember how much I paid exactly. For the simpler procedures (like my 2 teeth that werenā€™t complex), they were Medisave claimable. Medisave doesnā€™t cover complex dental procedures so I paid for the last one out of my own pocket. Happy to pay though, I canā€™t imagine going through this process any where else.

Also a side note - Medisave is NOT GST claimable so I paid for GST out of pocket as well.

Today I went back to TeeHee for a regular check up + scaling + polishing with Dr Crystal because my gums bled like crazy 2 weeks ago. I was really thinking okā€¦ā€¦.. my gums have finally failed me / I have finally failed my gums lolol but Dr Crystal said that my gums are still damn healthy. I probably cut my gum while eating papaya while chewing on the fork. Donā€™t ask me why or how.

My teeth are all in good condition and the crack didnā€™t widen. Iā€™m quite diligent with my dental hygiene, itā€™s just a habit that I kept up with after I got my braces done. My electric toothbrush is from USmile, my best friend got it for me for Christmas. Iā€™ve used it for about 3 years now. Itā€™s amazing, Iā€™ll probably write a review soon. I also regularly floss my teeth. Itā€™s a hassle in the beginning but once you get the hang of it and start to get the nasty gunk out, itā€™s actually quite satisfying lololololol.

ANYWAY if youā€™re looking for a dentist or considering to get your wisdom teeth out, I highly, highly recommend TeeHee. They are at 111 Somerset Road. Dr Crystalā€™s amazing, though I also read that Dr Yang too does an amazing job when it comes to wisdom tooth extraction. 4.9 stars and 523 google reviews canā€™t lie la. Hahahaha.

Also they have Netflix playing on their ceiling - you probably canā€™t watch it if your eyes are covered like mine were during wisdom teeth extraction. But today I was watching B99 while getting my teeth cleaned hahaha it was quite a chill.

I might be going back there to get a new set of retainers done. Mineā€™s quite worn out and I grind my teeth a lot. Iā€™ll probably do a bit more research as to whether I should return to the dentist who did my braces or if itā€™s okay to just get it done with TeeHee.

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