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26 & PREGNANT🤰🏻 JPEG Download
26 & PREGNANT🤰🏻 JPEG Download

Pregnancy has been the hardest thing I’ve had to go through so far in my 26 years of existence 🙂 We all just assume it’s just morning sickness but that IS NOT TRUE AT ALL💀 I wish I had know all the facts before getting pregnant!

• this baby wasn’t rly “planned”. We weren’t actively trying, it was more of a yolo let’s see fate thing with my husband (on hindsight probably not the smartest thing to do lmao) — so we were still quite shocked lol I rmb panicking in the toilet when I first found out because I wasn’t expecting it & when I showed my husband the kit he thought I got covid 😂 (he had never seen a pregnancy kit before). I told him “congrats” and he was like ???? 😂😂 and then we both started laughing bc we didn’t know how to react LOL

• first trimester was rough: i had all the symptoms possible lmao. I was nauseous, puked 4-5 times a day, had headaches, was 24/7 giddy & had no energy. Somedays I literally couldn’t function and just wasted my day away in bed. No one tells you how ROUGH pregnancy really is man. It rly is so damn hard and somedays you just don’t want to go on 🥹. I felt so alone in the beginning bc I didn’t realise what I felt was normal pregnancy symptoms. I thought I was going crazy at one point bc why I am feeling so like shit??! It was only when I joined fellow pregnant mom support groups and did more research that I realised I wasn’t going crazy. I was just pregnant 🙃

I run my own biz so I work from home & have alot more flexibility to rest — so I really got mad respect to those preggos who have FT jobs. I don’t know how they do it!!!

• life is better now in the second trimester, but I still have occasional bad days where I’m puking my meals out or not having enough energy. I also have new found symptoms like not being able to breath, random chest pains, constipation, terrible backaches & the baby kicking me non stop throughout the day 🤷🏻‍♀️ But hey, at least I’m not in tri 1 anymore lol

• it still feels so surreal we’re bringing in a life into the world soon. I don’t think I’ve wrapped my head around the fact that I’m going to be a human’s mom — and I rly hope that I can be a good one 🥹 I am so easily stressed/anxious and damn I really hope she doesn’t get it from me. Pls be more like your very cool & calm logical dad pls!!!! 😂

But in summary I guess it is really important TO DO YOUR RESEARCH on pregnancy/having kids before deciding if that is something you want. And not just go with the flow bc “having kids is just what people do”. Pls know what you’re getting yourself into!!!