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Things I have learnt in my early twenties

Things I have learnt in my early twenties


Things I have learnt in my early twenties JPEG 下载
Things I have learnt in my early twenties JPEG 下载
Things I have learnt in my early twenties JPEG 下载
Things I have learnt in my early twenties JPEG 下载
Things I have learnt in my early twenties JPEG 下载
Things I have learnt in my early twenties JPEG 下载
Things I have learnt in my early twenties JPEG 下载

Hi Zesties! 🍋

I have recently turned 26 and this means I am saying goodbye to my early twenties 🥺 How did time even pass that quickly?? It felt like I was still in secondary school yesterday 😅🫣.

Anyway, this post will be a bit different from the usual stuff I post (food contents). I just felt a bit "emotional" thinking about where did all the time have gone and all the lessons I have learnt😜 So, without further ado, these are the things I have learnt in my early twenties 😬

1. Die trying or die regretting

I'm not sure if this phrase exists but I think you get what I mean 🙂 If you ever considered doing something but you are unsure or afraid that it might fail, just give it a shot. (but of course, do your research and calculate your opportunity cost!) When I was choosing my uni course, I hesitated choosing something that I loved studying. I was unsure of the kind of jobs I could get with that piece of degree. Eventually, I studied something else and till this day, I still ask myself if things will turn out differently if I were to choose another uni path.

2. Making informed choices

I signed up for a 4 year long bond when I was in uni with a company without having any prior internship experiences with them. Back then, I was just so excited that I was offered free money and a guaranteed job. Being that naive self, I did not put much thought into whether I could tank through that 4 years, if I liked working at that place and its work culture. When I went for my internship, I kinda knew what I have signed myself up for 😐😐 The real deal was when I officially started my job. There was a strong blame culture at the workplace. The toxicity was also on another whole new level. Biasness and unfair work culture was a big issue. Nonetheless, I still met some kind and nice souls at work where we bonded over our shared trauma 🥲 I will advise my twenty years old self to learn more about what you are signing yourself up for and do all the necessary research. After this experience, I would probably not be signing any bond anytime soon 😬

3. Taking care of your own health

You only have one body, so please take good care of it! You are in your twenties and think that this ache-less and healthy body will stay forever. That was me until I injured my lower back. I used to have back pain that comes and goes when I was in my early twenties but I will just brush it off and still turn up for work etc. It then worsened and the pain persisted for a lot of months. That was when I decided to go for a checkup and found out I have a slipped disc. I experience a lot of pain on my lower back and the pain travels down one side of my leg. I went for chiropractic, tcm and physio but the most they do is to provide temporary relief. I would not be able to walk for long distances and will be in so much pain at the end of the day. I couldn't enjoy all the sports activities like I used to do e.g. playing badminton or going for a run. So, please don't take your good health for granted! Rest whenever you needed and exercise regularly to maintain your body.

Also, please get regular and sufficient sleep whenever possible. My job entails shift work and omg, I'm not kidding when I say run as fast as you can if a job requires you to work night shifts. You might think doing night shifts is no big deal, but wait till you do it. It will mess up your body clock so badly and you will feel like dying during night shifts (especially between 12am and 4am). By the end of the 2nd night, you will be so sleep deprived and the thought of going through the 3rd night is just mentally agonizing. I gained a lot of weight whenever I'm on night shift, due to the irregular eating habits and (for some reason) the extreme hungriness throughout the night. Working through the night and partying/going out with your friends at night are 2 very different things, at least for me🙃 So, my advise is try not to do any night shifts. For the sake of your health and mental wellbeing!

4. Love yourself the most

You can love lots of people and things, but love yourself the most. The person who loves you most will be yourself. Don't forget to treat yourself once in a while. That can be a meal you are looking forward to for days, or a mr coconut drink! You deserve it for working hard!

On days when you are feeling overwhelmed, give yourself a break. If you feel like you could not make it to work, call in sick. (I am not encouraging you to skip work whenever you don't feel like it, it's more of being mentally overwhelmed and physically drained). Nobody will thank you for turning up even though you felt like shit. If you know that you won't be performing up to standard and you will be doing a crappy job, then there's really no point being there. Your colleagues might judge you for taking a day off from work, but like what I have said, don't expect anyone to thank/pity you for turning up even though you are not feeling well.

At the end of the day, don't be too harsh on yourself. Just treat yourself like how you will treat a friend/family member if he/she were to come to you with problems that you are facing.

5. Don't give your 100% at work

I know this sounds super controversial, but listen to what I have to say. Being a fresh grad and starting my first real job, of course I gave my 100%. Whatever I could give, I gave. I came in 30 min early to work on most days and if I were to be early by only 10 min, I will become super anxious and will legit run to the workplace. I will shorten my meal breaks and return to work so that I could be in the good book of my managers and colleagues. I will go the extra mile. This went on for 1 to 1.5 years. I realized I'm always getting the short end of the stick. I will get the shittiest work and have to deal with the shittiest "client" while the lazy people will get the easy way out. The last straw was when the managers promoted this lazy staff who is non-functional but excels in the skill of bootlicking. What's the point of working so hard?? You are just getting more and more work by giving your best. Your manager will just leave you with endless tasks while that lazy ass is getting away from doing his work. (I'm sure you have seen countless of such memes on ig). So, don't ever let your boss exploit your diligence, allow yourself to be compromised and get bullied by the people at work!

6. Find a hobby/plan activities

After I started working, I realized my life just revolves around work, sleep, eat and scrolling through ig/YouTube. On weekends, I will spend most of my time scrolling though my phone and keep dreading Monday. On Sunday nights, I will ask myself where did all the time go??

Having a hobby or an activity to look forward to doesn't miraculously resolves the Monday blues, but at least this keeps you from thinking about work 24/7. You could divert some of your attention and energy to work on something that's personal to you. It could be as simple as planning a weekend trip to JB or anywhere in sg. You will be thinking about your itinerary instead of thinking about work. Also, you will at least have something to talk about other than work!

I won't deny that I still spend a lot of my time scrolling through social medias, but at least I'm a bit more productive than in the past? 😜 Also, I tend to look at topics related to baking instead of scrolling mindlessly on my phone hahaha.

These are some things I have learnt in my early twenties and it's kind of a reflection of the things I have taken away for the past 5 years. I'm sure there are way more things to consider but I'm just going to stop here or else this rambling will go on forever 😂 you can share what you have learnt in your life as well! Please be kind and don't judge whatever I said too harshly! 😬😬😊

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