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Its ok to be Single

Its ok to be Single

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Hi lemoners,

This probably going to be a ranting posting but I do hope someone here would resonate with this posting.

Some back story.

I used to work in a legal firm and we would get loads of inquiries about being scammed. I'd call this love scam. The modus operandi (mo) is always always the same.

A guy/girl would meet the victim online. Dated for months or even years. Throughout the timeline, the guy/girl would ask for money and for some ask for some sexy pictures or both.

How did this happen?

The perpetrator would 1st stalk their victim's social media to get to know the victim's Psych. The s/he would do a social engineering against thier victim. Social engineering ni perbuatan mengumpul informasi ttg seseorang untuk digunakan bg untuk memanipulasi dengan niat untuk menipu. Perpetrator tu akan study mangsa, bila dia dah 'confident' nak approach mangsa, dia akan DM mangsa. Nak get to know mangsa. Dia akan jd super sweet and understanding. Naturally mangsa akan tertawan.

Dia akan berbaik2, sweet2 and by this time you dah heads over heels dgn dia sbb you akan rasa dia PERFECT and almost too good to be true. In Fact your instinct pun rasa ' this is too good to be true' but you don't listen to your instinct coz you self justify coz you tak nak kehilangan a perfect guy.


That BUTTERFLY you feel its actually our body's natural way to tell us thay we are in danger or its not safe. Never ignore your instinct 90% of the time its true. When you starts to have doubts, its time to do some due diligence. Siasat latarbelakang org tu. Be suspicious.

Selepas dia dah established to you that s/he is a perfect partner, tiba2 dia 'ghost' you. Kalau biasa dia hari2 msg, or every hour msg...tiba2 dia hilang sehari dua, totally radio silent. You msg dia pun dia x baca or hanya blue tick tp tak balas. Pastu tiba2 dia msg blk. Dia bgla alasan kerja, line fon tak stable ke... You rasa alasan tu reasonable dan you maafkan. Dia pun jd super sweet balik, you pun cair meleleh😅 dia keep you company untuk beberapa hari pastu MIA balik but this time for longer, 3-4 hari dia MIA radio silent. this time dia bg alasan boss suruh dia ambil alih projek , jd super bz and you percaya sbb alasan yg dia bg tu make sense to you, also your instinct dh start kicking in again tp you ignore coz you self justify sbb you desperate to believe him/her.


Proses di atas ni di panggil LOVE BOMBING untuk establish TRAUMA BONDING. Trauma bonding ni yg bahaya. Trauma bonding ni yang buat you keep justifying on his behalf and ignoring your instinct. Pls Pls don't ignore your instinct.

Selepas dia dh establish trauma bonding with you, time tu lah dia akan start minta mcm2. Dia mungkin akan bg alasan yg dia lama menghilang (can be berminggu) sbb dia kena kerja doule shift, or kena buat extra part time job sbb ada masalah kewangan. Dia akan create situasi buat you rasa either bersalah/serba salah atau buat you rasa berkobar nak tolong dia. Dia minta pinjam duit atau if you are empathic you sdn ofer bg duit. Dia mungkin akan janjikan masa depan dgn you.eg; promise to marry. Ni lg buat you rasa nk tolong. He may ask for some sexy pictures atas dasar 'rindu' and you would think that you're getting married anyway, you agreed. S/he may ugut kata ' you tak sayang I ke...tak percaya I ke...' those magic word is a trap for you.


Most of this perpetrators hanya bg bare minimum shj sebenarnya to you tapi sbb dia ' marketing' diri dia sbg Perfect partner you rasa dia 'the one' tambah pula dengan trauma bonding. Dia dah brainwash you kaw kaw.

So don't sell yourself short. You deserve the best not just bare minimums. Don't rush into relationships just because everyone else you know are in relationships. Terlalu banyak sangat scammer out there especially form online communities. Its OK to be single, there is so much freedom being single. If you are thinking of settling down, it is my opinion that going for a social functions and actually meeting people is the best way to go sbb you can judge the person there and then if he is good.

Kalau online ni, gambar/video pun boleh fake. Details org tu pn boleh fake. Its scary!

Ada this one case, this person was engaged with someone's wife. Dia kena conned by a woman pretending to be single. She even went on staging a small intimate engagement ceremony. How crazy is that? The poor guy suffered close to 200k throughout their so called relationship. Coz the girl made him pay her expenses mcm sewa rumah, duit kete etc The con was so bizarre and the guy just loved her so much that he is willing to help her out financially. Kantoi bila the girl came up with a plan about duit hantaran kawen. She was suppoedly to be frm a poor family x de duit utk balas2 dulang. So She made him a plan to 'pinjam duit' konon just for show utk hantaran. The moment the money was transferred, she disappeared. Even blocked him in every communication channels.

In any case, please be careful.

✅Buat la siasatan sdn ttg partner kita tu.

✅Kenal family org tu, siapa kawan2 dia, dia kerja kat mana...

✅kalau nk bg pinjam duit ke buat contract hitam putih dan minta salinan ic.

✅ Call tempat kerja dia to verify betul ke dia kerja situ.

✅ If ada red flag, be worried. If ada Big red flag, lari!

Being single is not bad. And you don't have to follow other people's timeline. Take your time. Pray. If you think you find the one, solat istiqarah and make sure that the green flags you see is not some red flags masquerading as green.

Be safe people.