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13 Tips For Transitioning to a Stay At Home Mom

13 Tips For Transitioning to a Stay At Home Mom

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13 Tips For Transitioning to a Stay At Home Mom JPEG Скачать
13 Tips For Transitioning to a Stay At Home Mom JPEG Скачать

Becoming a stay at home mom was the best decision I have ever made, but let me tell you, it’s not for the weak 😜. To give you a little background, I was in Property Management for over 10 years before getting pregnant and having Jack. I managed a large luxury apartment complex in downtown Charleston and really enjoyed it. However, I knew at a young age that I wanted nothing more than to have a family and be a mama.

As a FTM, the first year was especially challenging because there was so much change. Not only was I learning to be a new mom, I felt like because I wasn’t working, all of the of household responsibilities were on me. Finding a balance without a routine was killing me. I also felt a sense of guilt for not contributing financially. I have worked since I was 16 and have financially supported myself since I was out of college. I remember in the beginning feeling like I should ask if I could grab a Starbucks lol. It sounds silly because my husband and I both agreed we wanted me to stay home, and I quickly realized these were my own insecurities. As a SAHM you may not be contributing financially, but you are contributing in so many other ways. Hi, I’m the housekeeper, nanny, chef, chauffeur and child entertainer 🙋🏼‍♀️ and I wouldn’t change it for the world. Now, that’s it’s been almost a year and a half since I became a SAHM, here are a few tips that have helped me.

1. Get ready every day - A shower and a 5 minute makeup routine will have you ready to conquer your day.

2. Set up a routine - Structure is so important as a SAHM and developing a routine will help you succeed.

3. Get up before the rest of your family - I’ve said this on a few posts before. Getting up before my family and having a little “me” time to enjoy my coffee, read, journal, etc, makes a huge difference. It puts me in a great mood and my family wakes up to a positive, happy mama.

4. Get out of the house - Even if it’s for a walk. You’ll never regret getting fresh air. It’s good for you and your babies/pets.

5. Plan your day - This sort of piggy back’s onto getting up before your family. I’ve tried many different apps, but an old school planner is what I live by. I look at my planner every morning to see if we have any appointments and plan the rest of my day around that.

6. Create a cleaning schedule - I struggled with feeling overwhelmed with cleaning when I first became a SAHM. I would try to set certain days for deep cleaning and it just wasn’t working. Splitting it up and doing a little bit every day makes it much less stressful and ensures your house is kept up with. There are a few things I do every day because I can’t stand clutter or dirty countertops but as far as deep cleaning bathrooms, dusting, etc, I stick to a schedule. I feel like I could write a post on this lol so let me know if you want me to share my current cleaning schedule!

7. Meet other moms - Library story time, parks, book club, etc - I’ve met so many sweet mama friends over the past year. Being a SAHM can make you feel isolated if you let it. Put yourself out there. It might sound scary, but chances are, those other mama’s are looking for friends they can relate to as well.

8. Make time for yourself - Do something you love! Read, join a workout class, get your nails done, meet a friend for coffee, whatever fills your cup. You need to make time for yourself. Being a SAHM can be mentally taxing at times. Getting out for a bit will give you the recharge you need.

9. Ask for help - This one was hard for me. I struggled with asking for help at first because I kept thinking “my husband and I are the ones who wanted children, I don’t want to burden anyone”. I’m fortunate to live close to my parents who love spending time with their grandson, so now whenever I have an appointment or just need a little break, I ask for help without hesitation. Jack squeals with excitement whenever he walks in my parents house. Seeing him run to them makes my mama heart so warm ❤️. I know not everyone has family around them, but if you do have a support system, utilize them!

10. Give yourself grace - Being a SAHM and finding balance to get it all done is not easy. Don’t be so hard on yourself. You’re not alone.

11. Grocery store pickup - This was a game changer for me. I had never done it before having Jack, and now I do it every week. You order everything online and they bring it right out to you. It also helps with planning and not buying unnecessary items. I’m thinking it might be fun to do a “Meal Planning Monday” series where I share what I’m making my family for the week 🤔.

12. Yeti tumbler - so you don’t have to reheat your coffee 45 times.

13. Enjoy your time with your kid(s) and be present. If I could pick one tip to take with you this would be it. I know it sounds silly to be listed as a “tip”, but put down your phone and truly soak it in. It goes by too fast.

I hope this was helpful!

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