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We’re all trying our hardest let me preface that 😮‍💨

We’re all trying our hardest let me preface that 😮‍💨

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We’re all trying our hardest let me preface that 😮‍💨 JPEG Скачать

While this post may not be your cup of tea, it is something that runs so deeply through my veins that I needed a space to share my heart around it. Biblical parenting is not something that the world would agree with or even acknowledge sometimes as we’ve fallen so far away as a society from God.

There are new parenting techniques popping up left and right and always have been probably from the beginning of time I would like to assume! Skills passed down from family and tribes, forming the way we see parenting.

This isn’t a post to say what you’re doing is wrong 😮‍💨 nope! This is a post for you, Christ following mama, who needs encouraged to continue forging the hard path ahead for your family!

While I won’t claim to do everything right, I can tell you from the fruits of generations of Christ loving family ahead of me… there are some tried and true core practices that I’ve seen impact our families in unbelievably powerful ways.

So let me try and organize my thoughts 😅


Parenting is HARD! No matter who you are, it’s work. It’s sacrifice. It can be so exhausting!

Parenting can also be stressful. “How do I know if I’m screwing my kid up?”, “this kid is so different then my last, I don’t know how to get through to them!”, “I don’t know how to manage this behavior or help my child navigate it?”

Believe me, all of these and more have crossed my mind at times! I’ll say it again, parenting is hard work!

This isn’t going to be a post about how to specifically raise your children, because moral of story… I’m not their mama!!!! I don’t know your children like you do! I don’t know your home life, your work situation, the ins and outs of your days. It would be naive of me to think I could give you a play by play if exactly how to do things!!!

No, this post is to encourage you about the core morals and values you have as a family. To help encourage you to check the posture of your heart daily! To give you tips on how to potentially navigate the bigger picture of parenting littles to follow after Jesus.

Ok, let’s dive in!!!

As a follower of Christ, we have chosen to trust and believe God is who he says he is and that His word is true, and not just true… but THE TRUTH! Let this be of encouragement to you, we have been given the gift of a beautiful road map to navigating parenting, our Bible! While it may not list out from point A-Z how to specifically parent your child on the daily, it does tell us what our role as a parent is… “Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it.” -Proverbs‬ ‭22‬:‭6‬ … The simplicity in this verse tells us that our duty as a Christ following parent is to guide and direct our children in the direction that they should live. What it does NOT say is “let your children choose what direction they want to go”… again this may not be trendy of a thought as what’s bouncing around some corners of the internet, but God’s command for us as parents is to raise and train our children to follow him. However that looks like in your family, that is our duty, our responsibility.

Take courage in knowing that God is always helping you, he is near you. In the moments of confusion, of hard to navigate emotions and ages… God’s peace is with you, and if you’re heart’s desire is to constantly point your children towards Christ then you’re doing an amazing job!

One of the most valuable ways I think we can parent Christ following children, is to model for them what that looks like!!! Are you reading your Bible daily?? Do your kids see you doing this? Are you praying with them? Are you worshipping together? Are you asking questions and creating a safe space for them to ask questions?? Are you living out the fruits of the spirit?? Are you being a light to this world? Are you practicing patience and holding your tongue? Are you showing kindness? Are you serving others well? Are you modeling compassion? These are all just a few examples of ways we can be leading our children to Christ without forcing their hearts! This helps them develop a sense of who God is, in their own home!

So again, what we do with our children may look different then what you do, but if your intent is to model Jesus for them, then you’re already helping them so much!

This practice of modeling Jesus for your children is a good daily self check for the posture of your heart! If your intent is to use God and his word as your filter for your life, then you will inevitably use this same filter in your parenting! For me I have to check my heart daily. I’m human, I get easily distracted, I get tired, if I’m not careful I’ll let my guard down. It takes discipline, but making sure our hearts are postured towards Jesus EVERY SINGLE DAY will benefit your babies more then you know!

While these last tips were all pretty broad (I told you I probably wouldn’t have a guide for navigating your specific child), hopefully the next few can help you figure out your child and direct them towards Jesus every day!

✨hang in there we’re almost done 🤪

1) PRAY! Pray over your child starting in the womb, don’t ever discredit the power of prayer over their hearts and minds! This is my number one tool in my tool box is partnering with the Holy Spirit and praying God’s word over our children. Another big helpful tip is get a text thread of prayer warrior mamas who you can text at a moments notice to be on their knees with you in times of need. I can’t tell you how humbling and completely helpful this has been for me in my parenting journey. To know you’re truly not alone.

2) PATIENCE! In every parenting opportunity, from the moment they wake up to when they go to bed we have the opportunity to practice patience. Have a stubborn strong willed babe who gets under your skin fast… showing them a patient response will go soooooo much farther for them then any quick, harsh reaction. Now this isn’t to say our children and their behavior don’t need boundaries and discipline (ooooh I said the word the internet doesn’t like around children haha… we will dive deeper next tip 😁)… but what I am saying is children are sponges and if we can consistently model patience and show them how we can manage our emotions well, they will eventually pick up on this too. The expectation here is not perfection, but merely a striving point to remember as we’re navigating behaviors and situations throughout the day. Remember we are the adults and they are the children, they’re still learning how to navigate this world, and man if we could have more adults out there practicing a little patience can you imagine how different this world could be??

3) DISCIPLINE! There I said it 🤪 that word that is so NOT trendy in this world right now haha. Call it boundaries if you want, BUT essentially a lack of discipline leads to an array of problems by many different definitions. For some reason we hear the term “discipline a child” and our minds race to spanking! Did yours? Yes getting spanked is a form of discipline sure, BUT I’m here to tell you that is not the only form of discipline!!! This is a touchy subject I know what I’m getting into, no one loves hearing or talking about this subject. Maybe you had a very negative experience with spankens growing up. What I will NEVER tell you to do is absolutely spank you child!!!!!! If that’s not in your parenting mission, if you and your husband are not in agreement on how to navigate that properly or in a productive manner… probably best you don’t do it!!! This is a no judgment post like I said from the beginning. What I am saying though is children are born without boundaries. They are born wild and free and need to be directed on how to navigate this world. A child without discipline in their life is chaotic. I’ve seen this play out in family members. I’ve see this for decades in preschools. Children who have no respect for rules, no respect for their elders, no respect for their peers. Everything is what they want to do and honestly it’s disruptive. It’s disruptive to other’s learning, it’s disruptive to their own experiences even. I could write a whole other blog post on the fine line of “dictating everything a child does” and “allowing them to be free and roam on their own”…. But this isn’t that post. The importance of discipline as a child goes further then just telling them no and redirecting. It’s teaching them how to safely navigate their own environment, and this world. Discipline brings beautiful habits even, like getting in the word daily, responding in a Christ focused way, honoring to their mother & father, etc. discipline isn’t a negative term like it’s been drug through the mud over the decades to make it seem horrible. Discipline brings order to a child’s chaotic world. Discipline brings expectations and even a guide map. I will not sit here and tell you how you should discipline your child because every child’s needs are so different. I know how outgoing, strong willed, and fearless my 3 year old girl is… we have found what discipline she needs to help keep her on the right track. What works for us may not work for you though, the point being, please do your child a favor and teach them healthy discipline, teach them how to respond to “no”… their boss one day won’t care if they can’t handle being told no, and in fact if they ever want to hold a job they will be told no at some point… there’s so much more then just being “temporarily uncomfortable” riding on the line when we choose not to discipline our children. If God makes it a point in his word to say that we as parents need to discipline our children, I think it goes without saying it’s important to him. Regardless of what our society thinks.

😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 that got long winded and could be it’s own post in itself but I just couldn’t leave it out because I see so much parenting advice out there that is void of discipline and just don’t believe that is how God called us to parent!

4) last one I promise… TEACHABLE MOMENTS! The mindset shift my husband and I have made in our parenting is that literally everything our child does has a teachable moment in it. How can we use this mindset to positively benefit our child??? Well by taking the time to truly be present with them. By sitting on the floor next to where they play and showing our intrigue. Asking what they built, what they drew, why they chose those colors, maybe even to name those colors. Showing our children were invested in them constantly. We care about the little details, you know why?? Because God cares about the little details of their lives as well as yours and mine! This practice then leads into those moments where maybe their behavior was a little intense, or they did something that wasn’t safe… because we’re already in the practice of being inquisitive in what they’re doing in life it keeps the door open for moments where I then can ask “why did you choose to throw that car at your cousin?”, or “how did you think jumping off that many stairs was going to go?”, or “what could you have done differently next time?” or even “what does God’s word say about treating our friends this way?” This isn’t a perfect process always but man it sure helps my husband and I take a deep breath and model a response for our daughter knowing we’ve already set an expectation with her that we communicate through the good and bad. There’s always something we can learn, to help them grow, to keep them safe, but also to open the lines of communication with them to you by showing them you’re always a safe space to talk to and you don’t just come running with the rules and questions when they’re in trouble. Again, not always a perfect system but truly helping them learn through everything, good & bad, shows them how invested you are.

I’ll end my thoughts here, that was a lot for today. I have sooooo much more to dive into but I want to hear your thoughts. I want to know if this was helpful. I’m sure at some point it could have struck a cord that maybe you didn’t love, like I said at the beginning… this will not be for everyone. But I do believe if your desire is to raise your children to follow Christ, it takes hard work and diligence on our part.

✨save this post for later if it was helpful✨

#christianlifestyle #christianparenting #raisingbabies #biblicalparenting #biblicaltruths #homeschoolers