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When Victims Became The Culprit

When Victims Became The Culprit

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Now I'm About to Share An awful Secondary School Life Experience That happens to me. ( Many years ago )

Just like everyone we all have that Friends Ranking In Our school days. like Top 1 2 3 If not Good Friend Best Friend Or Hi-Bye Friend. So for me, I have quite afew good friends but only 1 Best Friend which is in The same class as me. We were so close that My Dad would drive me to her house to fetch her before driving Both of us together to school when her house is quite near to our secondary school like 15 mins you can reach. :X

Will say more about her In My next post. So what awful experience that happened to me was that As I don't really Share much of My Sorrows Or Troubles to Any of my friends unless It was something that happened in class or anything related. I was much of An Introvert and Neither Do I talk to Any Guys. I was super shy with guys and never really talked much to them until I turned adult. So I am pretty much a person whom will write My daily life in My Diary. ( which my mom loves to peep at it without my permission and when I found out she would shout at me and say I cannot have any privacy and She is my mom so She can see of course ) OK Nonsense!

Anyway One Day I was in a very very low mood almost Depression And I would want to Be all by myself and not wanting to Interact with anyone. There was This Girl whom was in The class next to me. And We are not very close But She Just love to seek for my attention which until now Idk why She does that to me. That very particular day I Just wanted to end class ASAP and go back home without talking to anyone So I put on my earpiece plugged to My Sony Dark Blue Walkman ( There are story to my walkman as well ) But If You are curious I will Share about it which I think no one is xD OK Cut To The Point. I was listening attentively to every single songs on my Walkman while walking more quickly than The usual days. This not so close friend came and talk to me. I ignored her and walk even faster she shouted at me. After I walked super quickly and Finally I Started running to Take a bus back home Soon She message me and asked me why I ignored her when she called me for afew times. Than I told her I wasn't feeling well. She said what happened? I said nothing. She said Just tell me I can help you I said no is ok. ( While Thinking we are not even that close for me to tell her About My Personal Stuffs ) So I ignored her message. Soon She messaged me again asking me If I'm angry with her etc etc. Again I ignored 5 mins later 20 over messages came running in. This Time She wrote A Chinese Idiom Threatening Me That She wanna commit suicide?? Than few mins later I got An Incoming Call with A Private Number and I Answered. The caller said '' Are you Irene? '' I said Yes. She started scolding me Vulgarities without me getting The chance to speak and She hang down The Call. Which I believed is her sister. Soon I ignored and message still comes in with alot of negativity. And This Somehow Add on to My Depression. But Things didn't end here yet. Next Day was Parents Meeting Day Aka Report Book. I go to school as usual. And While walking up The Stairs Got one tall slim dark tone Chinese Uncle asked me Are you Irene? I said Yes and He scolded me Why did you Bully My Daughter? I was stoned and don't know what to reply him. I went to classroom to put my bag before going down to The Parade Ground for National Anthem. There were many many people standing there talking to their friends etc And me as usual Stand there waiting. Soon This not so close girl came to me and slap my face and scolded me. My Classmates were all stunned wondering what happened. I started crying cause I didn't do anything wrong let alone bully her. Things got much worse Her Dad went to complain to My Parents. Which After I went down to canteen to only hear My Mom screaming at me and say '' what did you do? why are you always giving me problems?'' I told her I didn't do anything But She rather choose to believe outsiders than her own daughter whom would never even dared to lay a finger on ants. Geez I cried even louder and louder My Dad did not say anything He was Listening to Our Conversation. But He dote on me alot Just That Usually He didn't really know what to say. nevermind. Idk what to do so I got scream By 3 Persons Early In The Nasty Morning. Hmmp! Things still didn't end yet. I go back to classroom and Tears didn't even Stopped Flowing. Classmates all came to console me etc And 5 Minutes later. This Not so close friend whom Accuse me bullying her came Throwing Paper Balls At Me And right to my face. Ok So Some of my classmates stopped her and She said some nasty things about me to them. I got up and ran To The Toilet while crying still. Than One of My Classmate Trying to find out what happened between us and than did something silly like only a primary school student would do. She asked that not so close friend to come and say sorry to me and shake hands with me?? Soon We Both did and went back to The Classroom. But Things did not end yet. I got scolded By A Male Teacher In His 60s Chinese Man Teaching us Maths. He scolded me as Trouble Maker etc. I forgotten what He said But I was The Quietest Person In Class and didn't had any bad records. After what He said Really Broke My Heart Because Instead of finding out The Truths He Just gave me '' Death Sentence '' As If I'm The one whom Starts This whole drama. My Tears couldn't Stopped Flowing for The whole nasty day and neither could I scold any vulgarities Because at that time I'm still quite Pure. And All I could do is Taking All of The blames Including That Public Face Slap By A not so close friend. I shouldn't had say Friend Because She is Just a classmate. Until This Day I still don't know what did I do to had her complain to her dad that I am bullying her When All I reply her is that few sentence with no vulgarities or threatening.. I'm confused seriously. Did I even had to Experience all of These In My Final Year In Secondary School? Honestly Speaking, I'm The one always getting bullied in Class. Usually By That same girl. The Girl whom made Both of us patched up. Which I think is not necessarily. If She slap me and apologise, I don't see why I didn't do The same thing back to her then and apologise. But of course I wouldn't do it. Maybe Just cursing in my heart When I read back My Diary Again. :( This experience really is lifetime unforgettable. A Slap+4 Persons Screaming At Me Within 2 Hours. I Graduated With Tears Of Sadness Instead Of Happiness. Thank You:( Until Now My Mom didn't learnt The Truth Still. But Is Ok. That's Why I'm writing it in here to get a load off my mind and my heart. Or Maybe My Mom stopped reading My Diary After. Or Maybe She read it But Pretended She did not? Idk.

I had no one to turn to much really. It was so Embarrassing Getting Slapped In The Parade Ground and Screaming With whole school watching. T.T What wrong did I do exactly to her? On The Positive Side I am lucky to be alive Instead of getting stabbed If She were A Violent Girl.