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 The Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine


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The Devine Femnine. Before I start with the 'how to be' let me tell you how powerful you are, first thing first. I had my brother tell me the other day telling me how freaking powerful he would be if he was a women, he called himself bill gates and called it a day. He said that the being of a women is such a gift, the power we hold can be either so dangerous or yet so illuminating,...so manifesting. And that my friend, is only a reminder for there's so much to cover! Okay let's get on with the show haha ready?

1. She feels. She knows. Your intuition is your biggest answer. Honestly it is your cheat sheet. It's literally downloads of information of stuff you already KNOW deep down. Intuition can feel strong for others and not so much with some, but don't lose hope. Because all humans contain this, only women tend to have this so enhanced that it's somthing beyond incomprehensible to explain logically. Okay for the ones that don't feel like they can trust themselves, listen up. Never second guess yourself. Never. Specifically when dropping down to your body. Feel. Do you feel drained when you leave a convo, or uplifted? Does your body leans back or foward? Even if someone is making you second guess yourself, your not crazy, you feel what you feel. And for the ones that emotions are everywhere LOL trust me I know, do you uplift others and is it reciprocated? Remember your only truly knowing yourself the more you come across something. Trust yourself.

2. She is nature. Mother Nature. She is beautiful. She is full of life. The list can go on. There's a reason your drawn to nature, you are nature. You feel so loved no matter how you look, you feel so nurtured no matter how you feel, you feel so free no matter how trapped you feel all in nature. Let me tell you this, the birds and squirrels don't give a rats ass about your looks, success or anything superficial, they just see you as a living energy here on earth. Men or the masculine(can be women too) can feel this from the divine femine too. They are drawn to Devine feminine like they are drawn to nature. Connect with her, she really is the best friend you can have.

3. She's free, to be herself. Authenticity! That's is beyond magnetic. Be playful, shy, feisty, heck i don't care but be you! That's what makes you unique. The world gets inspire when someone is brave to be unapologetically free and authentic. Go ahead, I'm sending the message to you. Let it all, your true authenticity nature free!!

4. She's vulnerable. This one is my favorite. Ironically the one I struggle the most haha. But vulnerability will come out whether we like it or not, somehow somewhere, we can't run from it, not forever at least. Vulnerability is beyond beautiful. It's the tears that your heart is yearning to surrender, the naked body you expose to make love, the orgasm alone is of itself surrendering to vulnerability. Vulnerability is letting another soul see your true soul. And yes the dark, the light, the pretty, the ugly and the all of you. For she is vulnerable, she is beautiful. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

5. She has compassion. Compassion is really beautiful but also important. Some people learn compassion through suffering, and some learn watching others suffer. If you have gone through it, then you know. When you experience all that you possibly can, you learn about the human and how connected we are. Truth is, it can get dark, cruel and twisted here, so its crucial to stick together. Compassion is the gate way to empathy, then a gateway to sympathy, then another gateway to understanding one another. Not everything makes sense but just simply remembering we are all in this together, we are all experiencing earth right here and now.

6. She honors herself. Honor your self. Honor your feelings, honor your body, honor your soul, your mind the list can go on. You don't need to change your values for anyone, you don't need to overgive yourself to be worthy, you don't need prove yourself to anyone, and more importantly, you don't need to love yourself less for anything or anyone. Pretending that no one was here and it's just you and earth, WHO ARE YOU TRULY?You don't need to explain, you can be. It's okay you know.

7. She claims back her power. Ugh I love this part. The death and rebirth moments of your life. Experiencing such intense parts of your life and reclaiming yourself back. I've explained this at the beginning of this post, the power we hold inside of us, and if you've have read this far, well god, you have had a long fucking journey, I just know it. Raise your hand if you laughed hysterically, stairing blank, looking up the sky, full in the darkness, you can't even cry anymore, in the lowest moment of your life , the moment of surrender, you just witnessed, and felt the darkness, the death, and the dark nights. Yup just all heaviness. But then the sun rises and so do you. Its remarkable how much resilience we have. It's the flame inside you that still lights inside, and no one can take that from you. It's up to you to reclaim that flame and rise above. "I will own my power, for my time has come" reclaim your power. Own it.

8. She is confident, hence magnetic. Okay this one can be tricky because confidence can come and go. Or heck for som, it's something they haven't experienced, trust me you never know what anyone can go through especially with this topic. Okay talking as a woman I'll make it easy for the girlies here. I can tell you the secret to confidence but you might not like it. The secret is... .....nothing. What? What? Yeah it's nothing. Being magnetic isn't manipulating the situation by doing all these modifications, or behaviors or anything. Being magnetic is owning the power of your authenticity, and owning it. Look back in all i have written so far. "Be free to be you, trust yourself, honor yourself, she is vulnerable and so beautiful that way " if you haven't read the laws of the universe then I'll tell you one, and you probably have heard it somehow somewhere ,this: the law of detachment. It's so simple yet so hard for some. It's real haha. Trust me you don't want to be in the energy of lack, people can feel it. When you become brave enough to not give a fuck about what others think of you, oh maaaww gawwd, the power you hold is INSANE. People all of sudden want to know your business haha. Now that doesn't mean you dont practice self love(a.k.a self acceptance, a.k.a showing up for yourself mentally, physically, and soul base)but it's just mean, you honor you. Period. You don't need everyone to like you, in fact like Wednesday said" I kinda like being disliked" lol it just means that no one can shake you. There's confidence in that. Confidence is already in you, it's the matter of tapping into it (: go ahead and unleash it.

9. Okay if you made it this far, then wow you are a reader haha and also dope as hell. It means you value yourself and truly want to understand yourself. Its means we both relate to each other (: You love yourself. I just know you do, deep down. I seriously dont think you would trade your soul for someone else's. I really don't .

Okay love you, you got the rest(:

#thedevinefeminine #feminineenergy #women #embracevulnerability #beautiful #unfiltered #authentic #storytime