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After having him for almost 5 months now, I must admit that the learning curve is as steep as it can be.

Similar to having a child, no one can prepare you for whatever that comes. I can’t say much about children since I do not have one. Prior to getting him, I watched many YouTube videos, read articles specific to the breed type, talk to friends who have pets etc. Even after all these preparations, when you really have your pet, I feel it’s a different thing. It’s like, now, it’s a hands-on thing and NO REFUND. 🥲 of course, I made sure I listed the pros and cons prior to getting him & I really felt like it was now or later anyway that I’ll get and raise a dog. (Cuz dogs be better than humans anyway 💀). I did went to see the adoption route but I was afraid that as first time pet owner, there may be potentially dogs that come with a past & I may not know how to handle. I also want to raise a puppy until he grows big & I find that the shelters are mostly adult & big dogs (of which in HDB is not allowed).

Getting a dog( or more specifically tho particular breed, CAVAPOO):

1. Your mornings will never be the same again.

You’ll have to wake up at a specific time to feed/walk your dog. Or your dog will wake you up anyway. Luckily my dog, he is potty trained at home on his pee tray/pee pad so he doesn’t need to be walked at specific timings. I decided this arrangement would be best for us because I also didn’t want him to suffer from UTI if I were to train him to potty outside. I feel like due to my work arrangements, I may not be consistent in bringing him down to pee or poo.

2. Your home will never be as clean as it was before.

My home is very minimal & I don’t like to see things everywhere but after having a dog, his toys are everywhere and his saliva is on the floor etc. Cleaning products are everywhere also but it’s something I’m working on to find a balance way to organize things but still reachable. You will be mopping your house every single day & maybe twice a day even (if you’re as ocd like me about cleanliness. Planning to get a automatic mopping machine)

3. Your money is spent on your dog.

what they say is true about your expenses will increase after getting a dog. Now, I have a dog fund that I set aside for my dog that will include his food, toys, treats, grooming, pet cab rides and pet friendly cafes. This does not include vet visits. Once you have a dog, the first few months will be hard. I was told that especially for cavapoos, they tend to be have more separation anxiety & it’s quite bad. My dog would scratch on the wall, next to my main door until one day, when I came home, I found out that he scratch it until he hurt himself as I saw stains of blood. So currently, if I do go out to meet friends etc, I tend to bring him along with me & most eating places don’t allow dogs unless it’s a cafe & cafe food is expensive 🫠 I am lucky for now that I work from home so there’s that.

4. You just can’t resist his puppy dog face!

My dog is still in his puppy phase so he wants to play most of the time & when he wants to play, he wants to play with me! 🙃 I would be working & there he is, staring at you with his toys in his mouth cos he wanna play catch & tug of war.

5. You’ll never be so happy about seeing 💩 until you get a dog

A dog’s poo tells everything(well, not really) but if it’s too soft, you know he might have diarrhoea or too hard then maybe constipation. If it continues to have either for many days then there might be underlying issues with his gut health etc.

6. Your days are filled with so much love. I promise you.

Even though the initial days are tough, day by day I find myself so happy just looking at him. I have anxiety so I feel that by having him around, it takes that part away especially when I’m feeling sad. Your dog becomes your companion- on days when you just feel so frustrated, though he can’t talk to you but just his presence makes you feel joy and loved🥰 here is this little thing that depends on you to love him & care for him.

7. Youll find out what kind of ‘parent’ you are or even as a person

I self train my dog as I work from home most days- mostly just the basics like sit, stay, down, wait, etc. I realize that I am a firm and kinda a strict pawrent. I play with him but I can also discipline him. I’d give him time outs after I scold him but after that, he will be okay. I’m not sure if it’s just me but he seems to understand me being upset & then he won’t do a particular bad behaviour anymore. Raising a puppy is not easy but I’ve learnt that like how my parents disciplined me as a child, I figured it’s the same as long as it comes with balance. Scold him but when he does something right, reward him. With dogs, you cannot be too soft otherwise they will walk all over you & won’t see you as their ‘alpha’. If you’re too soft on them, they might just instead be your ‘alpha’ & turn out to be aggressive to others as their way of ‘protecting’ you. This is just what I think.

8. You’ll have to prepare your heart 💖

As with all things especially living things, one day they will leave you. This comes as a price for love. Having my dog teaches me to love but also to be emotionally strong on my own. I live life being reminded of this fact & I think it’s a good thing cos then I won’t be taking anything for granted. Time is precious & the same goes for good and bad times, this too shall pass.

I just love him more and more each day. I am so thankful also that my dog so far is quite easy to take care of (after much training) & that he doesnt destroy too many things around the house. He mostly likes to chew on my bedroom slippers & just scratching on my wall when he’s alone. Other than that, he is so well behaved. I also learn to be grateful with all I have & that life has so much to offer.

All in all, recommend! provided that you can fully care for yourself financially enough first. Having pet is expensive especially for furry dogs like mine. They need grooming every month unless you know how to DIY but for me, I don’t trust myself to groom him proper so 🤷🏻‍♀️

#MyFreeTime #ThingsToDo #SocialDiscussion #cafe #dogsoflemon8 #cavapoo #puppy #dogs #RealTalk